Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cloud 9

Have you ever heard someone say, "I am on Cloud 9." Kind of a weird expression that means they are just really, really happy and so much so that they can find really no other valid expression to, well, express their happiness.

I have often wondered exactly where is this proverbial "Cloud 9?"

Well, today, I found it! Today, Cloud 9 went by the name: "Mail Call!" I got two boxes and three envelopes. I really don't remember walking to the hooch... I think it was Cloud 9 that just came down, floated up under my feet and carried me to the hooch.

I sat down in the room and just stared at the boxes with this goofy grin on my face. Then I would look over at the letters and just smile.

Sgt Garrett got two boxes too and I think he was on Cloud 10. He held his hand up above his head as if measuring some tall stack of motivation and said, "Gunny, my morale is up here!"

We are out here in the city and our "world" just seems so far away sometimes. Those three letters and those two boxes just bring those we love right there into our hooch with us. It is like those we love just connected with us WAAAAY over here... I don't know how else to express the feeling except to say we were "on Cloud 9."

Thank you so much, Beautiful for the boxes and the letters from the kids!!! I am really struggling to find something in that box I am willing to share..... I will share the card-board....

Mom, I got your second letter! I really love the thought you put into it. Telling me about the apple-crisp... I could almost smell it. I actually looked down at my hands when you talked about peeling the apples, as if they hurt or I had cut them or something.

Brad and Brooke, Madeline and Jack, thank you so much for my card. You did a great job on it! I am going to hang it on my wall and will see it every day.

Please don't see this as me asking for packages, as I am honestly and truly blessed. I wholeheartedly appreciate all your support and prayers.

Semper Fi,


Anonymous said...

We are all loving your blogs. Sorry to hear your sleep hasn't improved. I've had a bad couple of days at work and it all amounts to not being able to please everyone all the time. Sometimes, you can't please anyone anytime!! That's where we all speak English. I can't imagine what it must be like when you are in a place where their is a language problem. From your blog before "sleep" it sounds like that could be part of the source of your insomnia. This is a tough world to live in, especially in your job. Lean on God, son for your direction, wisdom, and guidance. One day at a time, one step at a time!
I love you,

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Aunt Jan Sunday evening and she was wondering about sending you a package. She wondered how many other Marines were there with you, that you could share what is sent. Dad answered he thought about 15. I only know about Sgt. Garrett. We all need to know what to send you. I am interested in sharing with your Iraqi friends also. You have received everything I have sent you so far.

Mark said...

Hey Mom,

Thanks for commenting. I hope these blogs are worth their read.

I really needed the comments on pleasing people and on leaning on God. Today was one of those days I cannot write about and hopefully will someday get to talk about. God knows and God is there to help me deal with things.

The language barrier is TOUGH to deal with, but Fawwaz is a great mentor and help when dealing with those kinds of language and cultural barriers.

On the packages questions... It is starting into the winter season here. Things that the guys can use to stay warm are a good idea. Hygene items, sweets, holiday stuff, and things like that the guys could relate to home.

We have about 15 Marines out here and more near by. We have probably 100 Iraqi's that we work around on a daily basis.

Again Mom, I really appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again, really soon.


Anonymous said...

You know your an amazing Cousin. I brag on you so much. You made me cry with that blog. You have such a wonderful heart. Where do you find men like you who aren't related to me and who aren't married? If you know where tell me because I will go and get one. LOL. Please know that I am sooo joking. Trying to make your day a little brighter. Certain other family members do that a lot better though. Three little people and one big one:) I pray for you always and your safe return.

Love you and your loved ones.
Cousin Gina

Mark said...

Gina, thanks for the comment and sorry about making you cry. I will work on that....

It is such an honor to serve. We are from the greatest country in the world. God has blessed her.

Thank you for your encouraging words and especially your prayers. I will be home soon!!!!

Semper Fi,
Your cousin,