Monday, October 6, 2008


Over the last few days, I have come to realize that for me, I need to crash when I go to sleep.

Somewhere around 9pm, my body just starts to crash. At that point, I either get to bed or I try and stay awake. If I can make it to about 10pm, I am awake until about 2am when my body takes another dive. If I can stay up until about 3am, then I am good until 6 and the cycle goes for about every 2-3 hours after that.

The problem is, if I try and get to sleep around 11pm, I am tossing and turning until about 2am, my next crash. I don't know what it is, but I now look back and notice that I was like that at home before I left too.

Here lately, I have been staying awake for one reason or another, past 10pm and then I am all messed up for the next day. I am going to hit the rack early tonight and I will let you know how it goes!

Semper Fi,


Anonymous said...

I'm anxious to hear how it went when you went to bed early. As for me, I need my sleep!!!! I can't make good decisions or function effectively when I'm tired or sleepy. Try sleeping and if you can't sleep, blog or better yet, read your Bible. Often, it's something you are stressed out about or don't know how to handle. I have found that God will give me the answers I'm searching for. I can be reading about Moses and God will give me an answer to a problem I am having at work. Go figure. Totally unrelated. But, that's God. If nothing else, reading your Bible will make you sleepy!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing this on your blog. It helps me know how to pray for you!!!

Anonymous said...

You're not alone brother. Maybe it's our age, and lack of proper hydration/nutrition. I too suffer from the same sleeping habits. If I go to bed around 10PM, I'm wide awake around 12AM for another 30-45 minutes. Then I crash until around 4:30, and fall back asleep around 5:00.

Then I'm back up at 6AM for work. My day is off to a slow start then due to a lack of proper sleep. I have noticed, however, that I tend to sleep better when I'm properly hydrated, have eaten a good meal, and relieved all of my mental stress for the day.

I know you already know about this little "best practice", but try writing down you list of "things to do" before you go to sleep. That way, they are off your chest and ready for you to tackle when awake in the morning.'re only human. You can only do so much in one day. Take it slow, and plan the work. Don't work the plan.

Semper Fi,

Mark said...

Well Mom, John, it appears I am going to get to try your methods of getting more and better sleep as my method of getting to bed early did not work. I will give your methods a try and we will see how it all works out.

Thanks so much for your insights and for taking the time to comment!

Semper Fi,