Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hooters In Ramadi!

Not a real Hooters, but the restaurant in our facility is affectionately called Hooters in Ramadi. This is a picture of our cook, waiter and entertainment in the restaurant standing with CWO2 Nolan. Incidentally, he likes the New York Yankees...

From the picture below, you can see the single table, the top corner of the menu on the wall, the grilling area and many of the regular customers. It was taken all they way against the wall, so you see about the whole place, in this one snapshot.

The guys who run the restaurant drive in from Baghdad every week, just to run this little shop. That said, they make about $4.00, total, per meal, and that is what we pay, not their profits.

Yes, that is duck-tape holding their air conditioner in the wall. I am not sure how they do it, but they stay in business and they help us feel like we are eating in a restaurant, which gives us a little taste of home.

In all reality, we are not allowed to travel outside the compound with out three vehicles and a specific mission. It is not like we can just go down the road to a McDonald's or something and eat. We have fewer freedoms than the Iraqi's here do. I am good with that, because this is the life I chose, but some don't realize that.

It is an interesting paradox that soldiers so often give up the very freedoms they fight to protect.
Semper Fi,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So who is the good looking guy just under the duck taped air conditioner??? You know - the one hogging all the mustard, ketchup, tabassco, worchestershire and other hot sauces in front of him????

Great pictures and great info!!!!!! This is the kind of blog that helps us know what kind of life you are living! It's a real HOOT! (Uhhhh. . . make that Hooter!)
P.S. Let's everyone send him a Burger King, MacDonald's or Wendy's sandwich. I think with all the preservatives, salt, fat, and calories, it should survive the United States Postal Service just fine.