Thursday, November 6, 2008


Because we are turning more and more responsibilities and duties over to the Iraqi people, our jobs are really starting to change. They are changing for the better, as it the Iraqi people are becoming more and more independent, but the changes are not always comfortable.

Things we are used to doing and used to see through to the end are now being done by Iraqis who do things differently or are not as transparent.

It is like we built a car, by hand, and are now handing the keys to someone else and telling them to drive it away. That person can drive down the block, wrap that car around a telephone pole and we have no control over their actions.

I guess it bothers me because I really do care about how this all turns out. I want there to be stability over here. Peace and security of the individual Iraqi is important to me, and if the Iraqi government doesn't do this right, it means I failed, we are needed in this area longer and we probably won't be staying, which means instability and....

These changes are necessary, but it is frustrating to give up control of something you have really put your heart into, you know?

I see me having these issues as my kids get older too, especially with Katelyn. As she becomes more and more independent, I am going to have to start giving her the freedoms to succeed or fail on her own.

Back to the car analogy... I have to eventually give them the keys to a car and let them drive it off, knowing they could possibly wrap it around a telephone pole or worse.

I know they are going to surpass my wildest expectations and make me extremely proud, but it is that transition, that time of change that is the hardest.

I am safe on first base and safe on second, but very vulnerable in between. It is that unknown factor of will I make it or will I get tagged out?

There really is a lot riding on the success of the Iraqi government though. Mainly the lives of its people. Personalities drive so much over here, and it is personalities in power. I guess it is like that everywhere.

Pray that the system works and that it sets the innocent free and prosecutes the guilty.

Semper Fi,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change is very hard, but in the end everyone has their own choices to make. Letting go is not always easy, but at the end of the day its nice to be able to look at yourself & know that you did what you were responsible for & that you gave it your best. I think that the only way you can fail is to not even do your part. You guys are doing a great job over there!! Thanks for ALL you do!!!