Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Passed Over...

Well, I was passed over for promotion to Master Sergeant. Please follow this link http://www.marines.mil/news/messages/Pages/MARADMIN708-08.aspx and make sure you scan the list for anyone you may know. Some very qualified Marines got picked.

They were selecting 3 people from a group of about 20 in my field, and I was either not the most qualified or the three they selected were simply more competitive.

In reality, God promotes and God has timing for when we get promoted in life. I have no problem with his timing and will do the very best I can where I am.

Gunny is a great rank and I have plenty of work I can do from this position.

Semper Fi,


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are disappointed but don't consider it being passed over but delayed. After all, they need wonderful people such as yourself in the gunny position too. Who knows but for such a time as this you are where you are now. In your work,(really every situation) it's best to trust God to handle it. Only He knows the future. I know you know all that... This may be a blessing in disguise! Love you, Aunti M

Anonymous said...


Congratulations to all those who made it!!!!!! I'm sure glad I didn't have to make that decision! I see a "Garrett" on the list. Is that the Sgt Garrett stationed there with you???? I hope so for his sake! I hear he's a "great guy"!!!!!!!!
