Friday, December 5, 2008

Eid Al Adha

Tomorrow is the first day of the Hajj. That is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and a time where Muslims travel to Mecca if they can afford it and attend services at the Mosques if they cannot.

Immediately following the Hajj is a holiday called Eid Al Adha. Muslims spend lots of time with family and give gifts. It lasts from about the 8th through the 12th or 13th.

Eid Al Adha is actually a celebration of Abraham's faith and God's provision in his time of need. (Genesis 22) God had told Abraham to sacrifice his long awaited son on an alter. He was just about to kill him (faith) and God told him to stop. Nearby, God provided a ram to sacrifice instead (provision).

This means that traffic is going to be crazy busy during some parts of this holiday and non-existent during other parts.

The Iraqi's I am working with have established a rotating duty position and started celebrating already. We are glad that they get to spend this time with their families in peace.

They know we are here too and we will hold down the fort for them, so to speak.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I write for my job and sometimes, after writing pages and pages, the last thing you want to do is come back and write some more... if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I am back on the writing kick and will start doing better, I promise.

Today was day 43 in the pull-up challenge. I am going to make the first set ATLEAST 15 from now on. I am also going to try and do no less than 10 on any given set. I hope to eventually work up to no less than 20 on that first set... but lets get to 60 first, right?

Yesterday our team took a little trip to Baghdad. Apparently they had fun and somehow enjoyed a 3+ hour trip in tactical vehicles. What a literal pain in the butt... all that gear, those rugged, armored seats, practically no leg or arm room... are we there yet?

I got to stay here and work, so no Burger King from Baghdad for me. I am going to try and get some pics from them from their trip, and I will post a few good ones if I do.

OK, I am going to go and shower now. Have a great weekend!!!

Semper Fi,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story about the Muslim's view of Abraham and Isaac (I assume it was Isaac in the Koran whom Abraham was supposed to sacrifice) is amazing to me!!!!!!!! This is one of those beautiful "portraits" of Jesus in the Old Testament!!!! Genesis 22:2 - Take your son, your only son - yes, Isaac, whom you love so much and go to the land of Morah. Sacrifice him there. . .

Isaac was supposed to die, but God provided a substitute - a lamb (Ram). (Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world). God in His great love for us, substituted HIS only son, Jesus, whom God loved, so that Abraham wouldn't have to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, whom Abraham loved!!! Isaac was the "promised" son, not Ishmael. Not that the line of Ishmael is in any way inferior to the line of Isaac, it's just that Jesus came from the line of the "promised" son, the son of Abraham and Sarah.

Wow!!! Unbelievable!!!! Especially, since Isaac was not Abraham's only son!! Ishmael was Isaac's older brother through Hagar, and the "Father" of the Muslim religion. Is it written in the Koran that Abraham was to sacrifice Ishmael?????

Thanks for enlightening us in the Muslim religion. These are things that really help us understand these people!!!
